November 22, 2020

Thankful for 1970 Priesthood Blessing

Facebook post Nov. 20, 2020

Elder Delbert L. Stapley,
holding a Costa Rica cart.
While listening to President Nelson, the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, present his social media message on Gratitude, I considered all my blessings and felt the desire to share one that was bestowed upon me more than half a century ago.

I was diagnosed with bone cancer when I was twenty years old while serving a church mission in Costa Rica. I was quickly sent home to Salt Lake City where surgeons amputated my left leg high above the knee. Life expectancy for this type of cancer back in 1970 was very limited: There was no radiation treatments or chemotherapy -- just amputation and a prayer.
The night before the surgery, I prayed – again -- to my Father in Heaven about my situation and my life’s dreams. I prayed for strength to get through this painful, life-changing challenge. I prayed that with that strength I could be positive in my outlook and go on to college and, God willing, find a woman who could put up with me and be my companion and share our lives together. And, with that, I hoped to one day we would have children who we would love, cherish and teach life’s lessons.
After what I felt was a lot of soul-searching and pleading in that dark hospital room, a feeling of peace overcame me. I know the Lord was aware of me and that he was going to help me through this terrible ordeal. I felt I could go forward and have a life – though it would be far different from what I had expected just a few months before.
The post-surgery recovery was the absolute worst: The phantom pains were horrible. Slowly I started to improve – though the phantom pains have never completely left. And sometimes I get terrible flareups.
A few days after that surgery in September of 1970, I received a visit from Church President Joseph Fielding Smith, who was the father of my mission president, Milton E. Smith. President Smith and his wife buoyed my confidence. Then a day or two later, I received another special visit, this time Church Apostle Delbert L. Stapley, who I had met in Costa Rica while serving as the mission’s public relations elder.
He gave me an amazing blessing. As he laid his hands on my head, he spoke to Heavenly Father as one person speaks to another, explaining my situation to our Heavenly Father. Then he paused, and through the power of the priesthood which he held, he pronounced a blessing on my head. The part I remember most vividly was his command that if there was any of the cancer still in my body that it would leave and would never come back. The feeling during that blessing was powerful.
I knew then that his blessing was a confirmation of my peace of mind following my prayer before the surgery. I’ve held on to that over all the decades that followed. I’ve stumbled, fallen, sinned and repented and sinned way too many times. But still I know that the prayer that night and the subsequent blessing were real and everlasting.
Today, as Pres. Nelson has encouraged us to do, I offer my profound thanks to my Father in Heaven and to Elder Stapley for his blessing, which promised a miracle. In fact, five years after the amputation and at the point when the doctors say you’re finally through the woods, my surgeon admitted that as far as he was concerned, I was still alive because of that priesthood blessing. He said he didn’t honestly think I had a chance.
Looking back at my life, I’m eternally thankful for:
· These extra decades here on earth.
· Being able to graduate from BYU and get a job at Deseret News, which lasted for 35 years.
· My wife, Nancy, who I met in Young Adults after graduating from BYU. She has had to do so much extra being my wife. I love her eternally!
· My amazing children, Heather, Lena, Jason, Jared, Nathan -- and Justin, who we lost at birth and is in Heaven already.
I witness that our Father in Heaven keeps all his promises, and I’m so grateful that he does.

Post responses:

Carol Linton Lavigne Such a great story, and what a blessing sweet Nancy is! You’ve always been a wonderful friend and I’m so happy you’ve had a happy ending! 💕
Sharron James Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story of Gratitude 😊❣️ Jeremy Swarnes Thanks for being YOU Lee!! Jeanette Waite Bennett I had never heard "the whole story" about your leg. Wow! That priesthood blessing was remarkable. What an amazing life you've had! I'm so glad I got to cross paths with you at the Deseret News. You were the best boss. Carlyn Jarvis Crockett What an amazing story!
Heather Wentz Thank you so much for sharing this! You are so amazing! I'm so grateful to be your daughter! Charles Taylor Thank You for sharing your story. Thankful you are still with us to share this wonderful testimony. Bruce Taggart Lee, thanks for sharing this tender experience. Larry Anderton Lee, thanks for sharing your story. i never knew the whole story, especially that it occurred during your mission. You are an inspiration to many and I'm glad to have known you for so long. Gary Beckstead This is a wonderful story of faith and the power of the Priesthood. Thanks for sharing this. Carolyn Dugdale You definitely one cool dude, proud to have you as a friend 😁 Trena Hunt I am glad that your my brother! Shirl Busick Thank you so much for sharing. You have helped me to renew my faith. Miss you guys. Debra Adams What a great testimony. I remember when you came home and you lost your leg. You have triumphed over such adversary conditions. May Heavenly Father continue to bless you!🎄 Sandra Argyle Westwood I've never heard this before, thank you for sharing. Grateful for your family. Whitney Bennion Thank you for sharing Lee! Hope you and your family are doing well! Tell them hi! Rhonda Hunt Johnson I love that you shared this! I knew it happened while you were in your mission, but I didn’t know you were in Costa Rica. This strengthens my testimony of the priesthood and know it’s real! I’ve been able to grow right along with this and I’ve always been amazed at your sense of humor and positive attitude. 💕

Kevin Westwood Thanks for sharing you're experiences! I have never heard this before! Very inspiring! William Kay Blackwell Amazing! Thanks Lee. You have always been exceptional.

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