September 16, 2012

Sweet Little Lena Bena

Our second daughter, Lena Marie, always seemed to have a smile and a twinkle in her eye. She was the Little Mother who took take of her little brothers even though was was a baby herself.

September 14, 2012

Our First: Our Heather Beather!

   Our first child, Heather had a rough first few months with her clueless parents. Thanks to a change of doctors, she survived! But it was really scary! We couldn't get her to eat or, rather, we couldn't get her to keep anything down. She was lactose intorerant, we finally found out. Once the doctor told us to switch to soy milk, she actually stopped screaming and started growing!
  The plus side: She ended up with a great strong singing voice!
Heather Ann Hunt, born at Holy Cross
Hospital on Feb. 26, 1977.

Born at 10:15 a.m., weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz.