March 24, 2013

We are made of stardust! So . . .

My nephew, Skyler, posted a quote on Facebook about how we are all children of the stars. I love that idea, but I disagree with some people's conclusion from that, which triggered a response about the nature of God.

NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image
of a pair of overlapping galaxies called
NGC 3314. While the two galaxies look as if they
are in the midst of a collision, the two are in chance
 alignment from our vantage point.

Here's the post and my comments:

Skyler's Facebook post

Jesus is a star

“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.” 
Lawrence M. Krauss
Theoretical Physicist

M42: Inside the Orion Nebula

Pinterest Cosmology

My Comment:
Who is the Master Scientist? He is probably one who is able to use 100% of his brain. He understands all the laws of nature and of the Universe -- not just a small portion that scientists know today. The more they learn, the more they find that they don't understand. To people of 200 years ago, what we know and have at our fingertips would make us look like a god. God himself is the Master Scientist! He understands all the laws of nature and the Universe and uses those laws to bring to pass the glorification of his children. Much like your father wants you to be successful and half a portion of what he has, God wants that for his children. And this has been the work and glory of God for time untold -- and worlds without number. It is only within the past couple decades where man, scientists, has acknowledged that there are millions of worlds similar to ours in the Universe. Yet God told a young man in the 1830s that

Spiral galaxy NGC 3627 is located about
30 million light years from Earth. This composite
image includes X-ray data from NASAs
Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue), infrared data
from the Spitzer Space Telescope (red), and
optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope
and the Very Large Telescope (yellow).
Credit: NASA/CXC/Ohio State Univ./C.Grier et al.;
Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech
worlds without number has he created for his children. He is the Master Scientist. Prove to me that there is no God and I will then call you a God, because only a God can see where his throne might be.

Then I added:
Sometimes Man wants to think there is no God so he will have no guilt. Eat and drink today, for tomorrow we die! But, guess what, what will the scientists say when they wake up dead and find they are still alive????

Here's more on the subject:
When I watch different Science Channel programs, I marvel at how much man has learned in my lifetime and how scientists have learned so much more just in the past couple of decades -- a lot because of the supercomputer age. But we're still what behind the curve in what God knows -- since he knows all things.
Just a few years ago, scientists were SURE that the big bang had flung us out into the universe and that the expansion would slow and actually eventually collapse because of gravity. But then scientists learned a little more and realized that the universe is still expanding and even accelerating it's expansion. How could that be? They wondered. Now they say it is because of Dark

Glacier National Park, Montana
Pinterest Amazing Photographs

Matter! Yes, this is new, but it has been around all the time -- forever. In fact, Dark Matter makes up more of the universe than what we can see, the scientists say. Well, we're learning. But what if a superior race, one that has been around for millions and billions of years, already knows these things and knows how to use all these wormholes and dark matter and "instantaneous molecular transportation" to serve their purpose -- "To Bring to Pass The Immortality and Eternal Life of Man."